Highly Scalable
SeaTouch will grow as you grow – from one to thousands of users. SeaTouch is based on the same software technology used by major companies. Dell Computer uses it to manufacture their PC’s. It is proven to well over 10,000 simultaneous users. Wall Street Systems processes over $1.6 trillion per day on it. Other well known companies using this software technology are Canon, Fujitsu, Xerox, and Panasonic along with a whole host of others.
Investment Protection
SeaTouch runs unchanged on all major operating systems, platforms and databases. Our competition does not. Regardless how the technology landscape changes, and it always does, SeaTouch gives you all the options. Windows, Linux, Apple, HP, IBM, Sun, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle.
Additionally, because SeaTouch can be run completely in a browser, it is perfectly suited for Cloud Computing.
5, 10, or 15 years from now, which computer platform will be the dominant platform? Which one will yield its users the most stable, cost effective environment to run their business? No one knows the answer to that. But rest assured that SeaTouch will run on that platform in that environment. Why? Because it was designed from the ground up to not be tied to any single platform.
Your investment in SeaTouch is protected.
"We reduced our labor expense 18 percent and that reduction is directly attributable to our use of SeaTouch. This system is fast.”
Atillio Cerqueira, Owner
Mayport C&C Fisheries
Jacksonville, Florida
Windows and Windows Server are the standard operating systems in use by businesses today. SeaTouch runs on Windows.
Linux has gone from an operating system that companies were experimenting with, to its being deployed to run some of the largest web installations in existence. SeaTouch runs on Linux.
Most Wall Street and banking firms run on Sun (Oracle) Solaris. So does SeaTouch.